Delivery Route Stops

To run:  REPORTING > Places Reports > Delivery Route Stops

This report is designed for truck drivers making delivery of equipment and supplies to stops on a delivery route. The report lists the stops in sequential order along with the precincts at the stop, the address, and contact persons from the Place Maintenance dialog's Information tab. It also includes two fields from the dialog's Delivery tab:  Onsite Storage Location and Special Delivery Info. Any special instructions noted on the Maintain Delivery Route dialog for the route are also noted on the report.

The report can list a route's early voting sites or the polling places of voting precincts; it cannot combine both types of locations. Any election centers assigned to the route will not be shown in the report.

When you run the report, you are asked to select the location mode—either Precinct Poll Work or Early Voting Work—the election, and the delivery route.

For more information, see About Delivery Routes.